I've always had sort of a hate-hate relationship with Illustrator, it seemed to be much less suited for free form drawing and coloring and stuff than Flash to me.
The other day though, when doing some inking in Flash, I became frustrated with how unrefined the brush tool could be when quickly laying down some lines, so I decided to give Illustrator another chance to be a part of my workflow.
After some tweaking and acclimating, I actually got some good results out of it! I'm actually excited for how well it allows me to produce some good weighted strokes.
Here are some rough things I've done tooling around in it:
'Guy in Tank(top)' |
'Swimmer' |
'Boy and Hog' |
'Magical Me' |
It's been a while since I've been doing vector line art, So I'm still getting back in the groove of things to be sure.